Saturday, December 5, 2009

A Thanksgiving note!!!

Not so long ago, I didn't know that I can express thanks for the blessings and good things in my life. I just took things for granted. Or worse, I was worried that if I was to acknowledge the blessings that I've received, somehow something "bad" would happen and take away those blessings.Perhaps unconsciously I had this fear that bringing attention to the good things in my life might incur bad luck. So to play it safe, I went along without a grateful heart. You might be laughing now as you read this, and I thought that's rather silly of me too. But that's the belief I once held onto.Now, I'm quick to express thanks whenever a good thing comes into my life. Somehow, there's always something to be thankful about!I have this simple statement that I make often, "Thank you God for all the blessings and abundance in my life!"Hope that you'll find many things in your life that fill you with thankfulness.

This one has been copied but I mean every word of it.

1 comment:

Kitkat said...

And thank u God for "Google blog" for it has enabled people to spell out their feelings :D